To help us in our struggle against the Messianic agenda of missionary Orthodox Judaism,
and to promote a free and liberal Jewish state in Israel, we need donations.
Please donate to the 'Third Revolution' project of 'Hofesh' in collaboration with Yair Nehorai.
Donations are tax deductible in Israel, and with PEF (see below) are tax exempt in the USA.
You can donate in the following ways:
PEF Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.
- In the USA, follow these instructions.
Important: In addition, email us at,
mention the amount donated and the 'Third Revolution' / 'Yair Nehorai' project.
Bank transfer
- to Bank Leumi (10) in Israel, branch 806 ('Lev Dizengoff'), account no. 31997799,
IBAN IL98 0108 0600 0003 1997 799.
Important: In addition, email us at,
mention the amount donated and the 'Third Revolution' / 'Yair Nehorai' project.
Specify your email address for a receipt.
Credit card
- Use the form here for single or monthly donation.
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